Can we trust God in raising our children? Do we trust that He will protect them when they are out late at night? Do we trust our kids to do their own homework without nagging them? Do we trust them to decide the road they should travel, the college they pick, the type of work they would like to do? Do we love them even when their decisions end up in disaster?
Most parents struggle with these types of questions, finding it easier to focus on living a good life—getting that promotion at work, giving back to society, growing in spirituality. But, using his experiences as a father, pastor, and electrical contractor, and with God’s long-reaching promise to Abraham in Genesis 18:17–19 as a foundation, Jimmy Yamada, Jr. humorously and poignantly illustrates how a life well lived isn’t measured over the span of a lifetime but is quantified in the footsteps of the generations that follow.
God’s idea of maximum impact is that each generation, having the advantage of guidance from their godly parents, live a life of love for God and for others. This book is a must for anyone who struggles to cede control of their kids—and their lives—over to God.